Monday, January 18, 2010

Uptown improvements

Things have been quiet on the Uptown Chess blog, but that doesn't mean things have been quiet with the Uptown opening book. Ever since releasing v0.06 I've been working on the next great release. While I was pleased with the performance of v0.06, I've received over 1,800 games from some very helpful users which pitted Uptown v0.06 against some of today's strongest opening books. Those games have helped identify a number of weak lines, as well as improper variation weighting. I'm proud to announce the next version of Uptown should be released within the next week. Right now I'm targeting 23 January, but that will depend on a few things. The most important factor is Sedat's tournament start date. Obviously I want to keep the book private until I have confirmation that the tournament has been started, and no more submissions are allowed. At that point, I will be releasing the book to the public.

While I won't go into the technical details of the changes to the latest version of Uptown, I will share some results with you. All of these are Rybka 3 @ 1+0.

As you can see, things are going well. I look forward to the outcome of Sedat's tournament, and I'm hopeful that Uptown will do very well.



Unknown said...

Good Job



Brandon said...

Thank you Jordi!