Wednesday, February 24, 2010


If you are a serious computer chess user, end-game tablebases are required. The 3-4-5 bases are widely available for download and are (relatively) small at about ~7GB. However, the 6-man bases are much, much larger. As I do not have 1TB of disk space to devote to the full 6-man set, I use a selected set of them. I have found this subset to be very good at covering many end-game scenarios, so I wanted to share them with you. The set I currently use is as follows.

krppkr > kqrpkr > kqqrkr = 10.91gb
krpkrp > kqrkrp > kqrkqr = 12.77gb

kppkpp > kqpkpp > kqpkqp > kqqkqp > kqqkqq =12.15gb

kpppkn,b > kqppkn,b > kqqpkn,b = 11.53gb
knppkr > kqnpkr > kqqnkr = 11.48gb
kbppkr > kqbpkr > kqqbkr = 12.45gb
rrp vs. q > qrr vs. q = 7.2gb

This entire subset requires about 80GB of space, and provides a good amount of coverage for frequently played 6-man scenarios.

You can download the full 6-man set (or whichever portions you would like) from Steinar H. Gunderson's website below.

Please note - Do not use a "download accelerator" or any other program that will download more than 1 file at a time! If you have more than 1 concurrent download, you will be banned. Please use responsibly.



Unknown said...

Hey buddy how do u use the robbobases or triple robobases in Firebird? I have never heard of robobases before....Thanks

Brandon said...

I'm not sure myself. I use the Namilov bases, which are fine for me (and work just fine with Firebird, etc..).I think the advantage of the Robbobases is the smaller size, and they're supposed to be more efficient. I'm not sure how efficiency really matters with EGTB though, I mean if you have the moves, you have the moves.

Unknown said...

I am currently testing:
Firebird 1.1 in
Firebird 1.1 ms
Firebird 1.01
IvanHoe v73 TM (Titanic Mode)
Rybka 3

All 64 bit versions tested on my Intel Core 2 Duo Laptop 3 GB Ram and 2.2 GHz processor Running Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit OS
1/1 timer with 128 MB hash and 3-4-5 EGTB

They are all using the same book..."Insanity" but they are using settings that makes it fair for all engines....Variety to the middle and bottom two sliders far left 0 games up to depth of 35

I will post results tomorrow on my forum ;)

Unknown said...

I made the new board.... check it out buddy ;)

Brandon said...

Nice! I like have the small and private forum like that to discuss techniques.

Unknown said...

Should be fun ;)

Unknown said...

Hey buddy I made a new book to help advertise my forum and get us more members.

Tell me what you think of it and feel free to share it with as many people as you can!! Thanks

Unknown said...

I left a comment for that twat angel77

Angel77 why do you insist on badgering our forum members here? Anyone who knows anything about testing engines or opening books will tell you that the least amount of games you play between two books or engines the more unreliable the results are. You can not and will not get accurate results with 20 games played....Here is an example for you. Two very solid books play "Book A" and "Book B".....After 20 games Book A appears to be the best it has 3 wins 16 draws and 1 loss. After 50 more games Book A is now losing 8 wins 27 draws 15 losses. Can you see/comprehend how small numbers fluctuate so much? The more games you play the less the win to loss percentage changes giving you more stable/reliable results....

Another example go to CCRL or CEGT chess engine website and tell me if the top chess engines only played 20 games against each other or if thousands were played.

BrandonSi has obviously done his research and when it comes to computer chess clearly it sounds like he knows what he is talking about.

I don't really have much else to say to you really, as I have had more intelligent conversations with a rock. However the next time you make a post ANYWHERE please use a spell checker or have a dictionary handy your spelling is horrible and it is hard to take you serious when you cant spell simple words you learn how to spell in elementary school.


Unknown said...

WCCT is here!!